01743 462 277
If you are unhappy with our service, we have a complaints procedure, details of which are available on request (add how to make that request).
​You may be able to refer a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) if you are unhappy with how we deal with your complaint. The FOS website is: https://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk.
​Your views are really important to us and we appreciate any feedback about our service. If we make a mistake, we would like to know about it so we can rectify matters.
We promise to investigate your complaint and will resolve problems as quickly as we can, keeping you informed every step of the way.
We take all complaints seriously and use any lessons learned to improve the way we do things.
Please contact us as soon as you can with details of your problem.
Our team will aim to give you an answer there and then, but if this is not possible, we will take details from you and you can be assured we will conduct a full investigation.
You can contact us in whichever way you prefer:
In writing: Unit 5, Park Plaza, Battlefield Enterprise Park, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 3AF
By phone: 01743 462277
By email: info@bengers.co.uk
Website: Please visit our Contact Us page
If we are unable to resolve the issue to your satisfaction by the end of the third business day following receipt, we will formally investigate the matter. You will receive an acknowledgement of the matter together with a copy of our complaints process promptly and certainly within 5 working days. We will then aim to investigate and provide a resolution as quickly as possible, informing you of a final response no later than 8 weeks.
If you are not happy with our response, or the position after a period of 8 weeks, you may be eligible to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) for an independent assessment and opinion.
You can contact them in the following ways:
In writing: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR.
By phone: 0800 023 4567 (free for people phoning from a ‘fixed line’ (for example, a landline at home) or 0300 123 9123 (free for mobile-phone users paying monthly charge for calls to No’s starting 01 or 02).
Website: Financial Ombudsman